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Donald Trump retweeted a message Saturday in which the White House social media director said that he had never seen the president happier — and Twitter followers were scratching their heads.

Given the president’s rage tweets earlier, some wondered what Trump was smoking.

Dan Scavino, who once worked for Trump as his caddie, posted his message about the president’s mood after relaxing with his boss at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

That characterization seemed suspiciously chill for Trump, who had lashed special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in U.S. politics in a series of ugly tweets Friday and Saturday. Trump’s posts included attacks on aides and others who made him look bad with their accounts to investigators about how he conducts himself in office. 

Some quipped that Trump’s mood may have changed due to him getting into the spirit of  420 — celebrations of marijuana that now occur annually on April 20.

Quippy weed tweets aside, lots of people responding to the Scavino retweet went absolutely bonkers over the reference to Mar-a-Lago — The Trump-owned property where it costs $200,000 to become a member and where guests pay as much as $2,000 to stay for the night — as the “Southern White House.” The name alone evokes for many infuriating reminders of the “White House of the South” during the Confederacy, which was located in Richmond, Virginia.

Trump was apparently still chill by the end of the day Saturday when he touted via Twitter what he called a “good night of television” — Fox News programs.

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