Mar 11, 2019
Another week, another avalanche of things bombarding the collective psyche. "Like what?" you ask. For starters, everyone is mourning the death of actor Luke Perry, thinking about the legacy of Michael Jackson, and wondering if Ivanka Trump is getting off too...
Mar 10, 2019
On Friday night, Bill Maher welcomed firing off racist tweetsand once invited the alt-right troll (and noted defender of hebephilia) Milo Yiannopoulos...
Mar 5, 2019
speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. As he took the stage to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.,” Trump stopped to hug the American...
Mar 4, 2019
On Saturday, President Donald Trump used his Twitter account to promote his business in Scotland, and even tried to link it to diplomacy. Trumptweeted,“Very proud of perhaps the greatest golf course anywhere in the world. Also, furthers U.K. relationship!”...
Mar 3, 2019
(CNN)If you needed one clear example of the fundamental flaws of Donald Trump’s presidency, this new reporting out of The New York Times would do the trick nicely: The President reportedly ordered his then-chief of staff John Kelly to secure a top-secret...
Mar 2, 2019
(CNN)President Donald Trump asked China in a tweet Friday to lift all of its tariffs on American agricultural products, pointing to his decision to delay a second round of tariffs and to improving trade relations with China. Trump on Sunday had lauded...
Mar 1, 2019
(CNN)His presidency under siege at home and with his own open musing about the prospects of a Nobel prize, President Donald Trump flew to the other side of the world to meet one of the world’s most notorious tyrants on a long-shot peace mission. It was...
Feb 28, 2019
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Feb 27, 2019
There was no direct mention of Trump at the Oscars, except for Spike Lee’s hint at choosing “love versus hate” at the 2020 presidential elections. That still prompted a response from the president, and subsequently from Seth Meyers during Late...
Feb 26, 2019
(CNN)Even by the combustible standards of Donald Trump, the spectacle set to unfold around his presidency in time zones 12 hours apart in the next few days could defy description. “We see eye to eye, I believe,” Trump said. Yet Cohen’s appearance, if...
Feb 24, 2019
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Feb 23, 2019
(CNN)The political world is focused on the ever-growing Democratic 2020 field, all jockeying for their chance to beat President Donald Trump next November. But it looks increasingly likely that Trump is going to have to clear a major hurdle before he even gets there:...
Feb 22, 2019
I see you, cord phone. And I raise you 6 gs!Image: win McNamee/Getty Images Did the President just add a digit to a concept he doesn’t understand to make it sound even better? Trump, as he does, tweeted some out-of-left-field flim-flam Thursday morning, in...
Feb 21, 2019
(CNN)As President Donald Trump moves forward with plans to build additional physical barriers along the southern border, his administration will have to contend with a slew of lawsuits challenging the national emergency declaration allowing him, in part, to do so....
Feb 20, 2019
(CNN)President Donald Trump is consistent about almost nothing. Which is what makes his long-running war on truth and facts all the more remarkable. Of late, Trump has expanded his war on truth to those who do the work of fact-checking him. “The Washington Post...
Feb 19, 2019
Saturday Night Live responded with a classic Alec Baldwin parody sketch of the announcement and then Twitter took it from there. Online users tweeted out how they were surviving since the ominous declaration with the hashtag #NotesFromNationalEmergency and it is clear...
Feb 17, 2019
(CNN)While the Trump administration sends humanitarian aid to Venezuela and ratchets up its rhetoric against Nicolas Maduro’s regime, a growing group of Venezuelans who’ve fled to the United States are finding themselves in legal limbo and calling on...
Feb 16, 2019
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Feb 15, 2019
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Feb 11, 2019
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Feb 10, 2019
And on Friday night, The Shining author did it again ― with this line from Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu’s ancient military guide, The Art of War. King’s tweet was an apparent response to Trump’s tweeted claim that North Korea would...
Feb 9, 2019
In this picture released by an official website of the office of the Iranian supreme leader, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stands as army air force staff salute at the start of their meeting in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Feb. 8, 2019. Khamenei is defending...
Feb 8, 2019
It’s been 24 hours, so we’ve all had a little time to reflect on Donald Trump’s State of the Union address — including Stephen Colbert. The Late Show host destroyed Trump’s speech one clip at a time immediately afterward on Tuesday, but...
Feb 7, 2019
(CNN)CNN asked commentators for views on President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the authors. View more opinion articles on CNN. But alas, we have seen, heard, and read the tweets...
Feb 6, 2019
“Have you ever been to a restaurant behind the scenes in the kitchen? I mean, I’m talking about a five-star restaurant,” he said on “Fox & Friends.” Huckabee continued with the dining analogy: Check out the clip here:...
Feb 4, 2019
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Feb 3, 2019
Washington (CNN)During the 2016 presidential election, then-candidate Donald Trump was not granted a loan from Deutsche Bank following an extensive debate within the ranks of the bank, The New York Times reported on Saturday. “We bought Trump Turnberry without...
Feb 2, 2019
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump has re-nominated his former physician Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson to receive a second star, even as he remains under Pentagon investigation over allegations of improper behavior. “The White House is the one who resubmitted his...
Feb 1, 2019
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that his intelligence chiefs, including Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and CIA Director Gina Haspel, told him that they were misquoted when they publicly contradicted him during public on-camera...
Jan 31, 2019
(CNN)Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called President Donald Trump’s criticism of US intelligence leaders’ security assessments a threat to the public’s trust in national security in a letter to Trump’s intelligence chiefs Wednesday. The...
Jan 30, 2019
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump’s enemies smell blood in the water. “That means speaking with integrity. It means speaking truth. It means speaking in a way that expresses and indicates some level of interest and concern to people other than oneself. And so,...
Jan 29, 2019
Another round of King vs. Trump took place on Sunday.Image: Lou Rocco/ABC via Getty Images/Win McNamee/Getty Images/mashable composite For a while, Donald Trump had Stephen King blocked on Twitter. Not anymore, though. A judge ruled back in May 2018 that the President...
Jan 28, 2019
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Jan 27, 2019
Melania: I’m world’s most bullied person Behind the scene’s in the first lady’s White House In an apology printed on Saturday, the paper accepted Mrs Trump was “a successful professional model in her own right before she met her husband...
Jan 26, 2019
On Friday, President Trump announced his intentions to back off of his demand for border wall funding, allowing the federal government to reopen for three weeks through February 15. The president touted the decision to reopen the government as a deal in spite of his...
Jan 25, 2019
“The president is way stuck on stupid right now,” Landrieu said on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews.” “There is no mayor in America in his-her right mind that would ever think about shutting down...
Jan 24, 2019
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Jan 22, 2019
(CNN)The chairman of the House Democratic Caucus called President Donald Trump “the grand wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue” during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day event Monday. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Jeffries...
Jan 21, 2019
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Jan 20, 2019
(CNN)As President Donald Trump races to gut the Obama administration’s auto mileage and emissions program, the California Air Resources Board, an agency little known outside the state, could help protect us from the rollback. But in August, the Trump...
Jan 19, 2019
“After President Trump revoked the use of military aircraft to travel to Afghanistan, the delegation was prepared to fly commercially to proceed with this vital trip to meet with our commanders and troops on the front lines,” Pelosi’s spokesman Drew...
Jan 18, 2019
Republican National Committee, fired off a warning to Republican lawmakers supporting President Donald Trump’s Russia agenda. GOP senators blocked a move to maintain sanctions against companies linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of...
Jan 17, 2019
She quickly dismissed any comparison to the shutdown that took place under former President Obama. “Now, I don’t want to hear you motherf—–s talkin’ about, ‘Oh, but Obama shut down the government for 17 days. … Yeah...
Jan 16, 2019
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump’s attorney general nominee, William Barr, told a Senate panel Tuesday he would not interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — and wouldn’t be “bullied” into doing anything...
Jan 15, 2019
“They think if they stop me, it’ll be good for 2020,” Trump said of Democrats in Congress. “We need that barrier. … If you don’t have that barrier there, there is not a thing you can do.” LONGEST-EVER GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN SEES...
Jan 14, 2019
Image: ALEX WONG / Getty Images President Donald Trump has been having quite the weekend. First, there was the New York Times report that revealed the FBI was investigating Trump to see if he was working on behalf of Russia, a report that he called...
Jan 13, 2019
James Comey is no stranger to the subtweet. The former FBI director Donald Trump, and Saturday was no exception. “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made,” Comey tweeted, quoting former President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The message made no...
Jan 11, 2019
We’ve heard a lot about Trump’s wall proposal in the weeks, sorry, years gone by. But the details of the wall have shifted quite a bit, as explained Seth Meyers in his “A Closer Look” segment, tracing the origins of Trump’s policy...
Jan 10, 2019
It’s now 18 days since the U.S. government unceremoniously shut down because Congress couldn’t agree on a bill to fund a quarter of all federal departments — including paying their employees. But federal workers are starting to feel the pinch after...
Jan 9, 2019
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